In today’s digital marketing landscape, buzzwords like “big data” and “predictive analytics” are thrown around at conferences and in meetings, often meaninglessly. However, the Tag Inspector team strongly emphasizes something else — accurate data. That should sound slightly less intimidating! More than likely your team is using a web analytics platform that provides data, and hopefully that data is being used by marketing and sales to improve their campaigns. But what if the data your team uses is inaccurate?
That’s where we believe Tag Inspector may come in handy for you or your clients. Tag Inspector will crawl the backend of your website looking to ensure important tags (such as Google Analytics, IBM Coremetrics, etc.) are firing on every page – and only firing once. A simple to view “Scan Details” report will tell you just that, and in only a few minutes. Plus you can schedule daily, weekly or monthly scans, so that as content and pages are added to your site (or the sites of your clients!), you’ll receive automated reports providing you the comfort of knowing your data is accurate.
Put simply: When your data is accurate, the resulting decisions you make will have a better impact on your organization, making you out to be the genius marketer that you are!
Check out the video below for a quick visual on how Tag Inspector can help audit your website. Happy tagging!