Trust Your Consent Architecture

Tag Inspector is a website compliance risk solution designed for privacy professionals. If you manage a large site or multi-brand enterprise, Tag Inspector's comprehensive tag library of more than 2,900 unique tags and suite of auditing functionality provides unparalleled confidence that your data collection practices align to your privacy principles.

Tag Inspector Features

From compliance risk assessments to monitoring tag and cookie consent policies, Tag Inspector guides you in each stage. 

Product Features

Compliance Risk Assessment

Identify high-risk platforms, including ad networks, data brokers, and wiretapping tools, that collect user data on your website. Tag Inspector’s Compliance Risk Assessments analyze tag and cookie behavior under various consent conditions—such as rejecting all cookies or using a universal opt-out—to benchmark your privacy risks. Track these risks over time to measure the effectiveness of your mitigation efforts.

Product Features

Consent Policy Monitoring

Audit and monitor your tag and cookie consent policies across all of your digital properties in one place. Tag Inspector will simulate conditions of user consent, identify compliance risk levels on sites, and identify violations of your consent policy. Consent policy monitoring helps you identify unauthorized tag behavior before it results in legal action against your organization.

Product Features

Unauthorized PII Collection Detection

Clear-text PII (personally identifiable information) being disclosed via tags and/or surfaced in a URL presents a significant privacy risk. Tag Inspector automatically flags any instance of PII being leaked in these ways. This includes emails, credit card numbers, addresses, and phone numbers passed in a network request from any web page being monitored.

Product Features

Industry-Leading Server-Side Tag Monitoring

With Server-side Tag Monitoring in Tag Inspector you gain visibility of tags loading from Server-side Google Tag Manager to verify data is only being sent to approved platforms. Consent policy support and reporting allow you to maintain evidence of compliance policies being followed in the live environment, regardless of your tag management architecture.

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