We’ve all come to know and love the standard reporting feature in Tag Inspector. Whether it be a Scan report to show all of the tags loading on your website, or the granularity of data collected for specific pages loads offered by Realtime reporting, there is a lot to explore!
The Functionality
Access the new Tag Inspector Exports page by clicking the export icon in the top right from any screen in the UI.

Once on the Exports page, you will see a list of all previous Exports you have run on your account, as well as an option to create a New Export.

Check out our How-To Guide to Exports for more information about all of the customizable options available to you!
Use Cases
Scan exports
Several pre-configured options are available to export data from any Scan report run on your account. These include accessing the Tag Policy Export type for information about Governance Policy failures and insights, Page Exports to view all information collected about any URL included in a Scan, and Tag Exports for all tag information collected in a Scan. For each business use case, you can access all data about any site or page you have Scanned. The possibilities here are endless!
Realtime Exports
With Tag Inspector Realtime deployed across your digital environments, we collect tag data as live users interact with all of the pages on your site. Fully customizable export options allow you to filter for specific URLs, Page Loads, Validation Failure scenarios, and domain options. Often when troubleshooting data collection issues, it is necessary to see aggregate data for failure insights. The Luckily, the Export options available allow for multiple views of your data to identify what is broken, where it is broken, and visibility into the all-important question of why.
Leverage the new Exports functionality within Tag Inspector for all of your tag auditing and monitoring needs. As always, let us know if we can answer any questions and contact us to learn more about how these Exports can help you with anything and everything Tag Governance!