The Tag Inspector team is excited to announce a new product upgrade for the month of February! The update is more behind the scenes but will have a positive effect on all the Scans that you run. Throughout the month of January, the Tag Inspector engineering team has been hard at work to update the Scan engine and we are pleased to announce this has been published and applied across all accounts!

What this means for you
You won’t be noticing any new sections or updates within the User Interface, but you will be able to enjoy faster Scan speeds and a cleaner organization to the Tag Hierarchy reporting within reports.
What was rolled out
We have updated the engine on which the Tag Inspector Scanner runs to leverage new browser versions. By doing so we are able to run Scans at faster speeds, get more stack trace and “how tags are loading” information, and create a better foundation for future product functionality via the ability to collect even more metrics around the tags loading on your site!
Stay tuned for future feature and functionality updates made possible by this effort.
Happy Scanning!
Want to learn more about Tag Inspector scans? Contact your Tag Inspector Consultant today.