What You’re Really Giving Away: Understanding What It Means When You Click “Accept”

What You're Really Giving Away: Understanding What It Means When You Click "Accept"
Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes

Anymore, it seems like every time you visit a website you encounter one of those consent banners that asks you to accept or decline the collection of your data. While it might feel like the easiest solution to making that annoying banner go away, clicking “accept” can have significant implications. Let’s take an inside look at exactly what information companies are collecting about you and why you might want to think twice before letting them do so.

The Anatomy of Consent Banners

Before we can dig into the specifics of data collection, let’s take a moment to understand what consent banners are and how they work. More than likely you are already familiar with them, as these banners typically pop up when you visit a website or use a mobile app for the first time. Their purpose is to make you aware of the site or app’s data collection practices and ask for your permission to collect and process your personal information.

Here’s a breakdown of the common elements you’ll find in a consent banner:

  • Accept/Decline Button: The heart of the banner, these buttons allow you to either agree (accept) or disagree (decline) with the site’s data collection practices.
  • Short Description: A summary of what data the website or app intends to collect and why.
  • Link to Privacy Policy: Typically, a link to the full privacy policy is provided if you want to get into the nitty-gritty details of exactly how your data is being used.
  • Cookie Preferences: Some sites provide options to customize your consent settings, allowing you to choose which categories of personal data you want to allow the collection of. The main three categories you most commonly encounter are strictly necessary (this applies to things that make the site function properly), analytics (this helps companies understand how their site is performing), and targeting (the sharing of information with third parties for advertising purposes).
  • Close Button: In some cases, you may be able to close the banner without making a choice. However, this may not always be the case, and it is important to note that most sites will have a default of either collecting or not collecting your data (depending on the laws of the region you are in), and by closing out of the banner you are essentially consenting to whatever that default behavior is.

Now that you understand how a consent banner functions, let’s dive into how it can impact you as the user.

The Data Collection Landscape

When you visit a website, chances are that reading the content or making a purchase is your main priority, but to the owners of the site and the advertising partners they generate revenue from, it’s about much more than that. Behind the scenes, these sites are collecting information about your online behavior that they use for a variety of purposes, like improving user experience, personalizing content, and, often, marketing and advertising.

To understand why it matters, let’s first examine the types of data companies typically collect about you as a user:

  • Personal Information: This can include your name, email address, phone number, and other details you provide when signing up for an account or making a purchase.
  • Device Information: Companies often collect data about the device you’re using, such as its operating system, browser type, and unique identifiers.
  • Location Data: Some websites and apps collect information about your physical location through your device’s GPS or IP address.
  • Browsing History: Companies may track the websites you visit, the pages you view, and the links you click while using their platform.
  • Cookies: Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device and can track your online behavior, preferences, and interactions with a website.
  • Social Media Activity: If you log in using your social media accounts, the website or app may access your social media data, including your contacts and posts.
  • Analytics Data: Companies use tools like Google Analytics to gather information about user behavior on their platforms.
  • Third-Party Data: Some websites and apps share your data with third-party partners for advertising and marketing purposes.

The Price of Convenience

So why do companies want your data so badly? What benefits does it offer ‌them? While data collection may seem like a superfluous part of the online experience to you as the user, companies aren’t collecting data just for the sake of doing it. To make an informed decision, it’s essential to also consider why companies want your data in the first place.

  • Personalization: By understanding who you are and how you behave, companies can offer you a more tailored experience that keeps you engaged with their content.
  • Advertising: If companies can gather data on what you like, they can tailor the ads they show you based upon your interests. Showing people the right ads leads to higher conversion rates.
  • Analytics: Companies are always seeking to improve their services; analytics gives them insight into what is working and what isn’t.
  • Monetization: Selling behavioral and demographic information they gather on you to advertisers and other third parties is another way that companies can generate revenue.
  • Convenience: If a site can recognize you based upon previous interactions, they can help streamline the login process, transactions, and other online activities. Making their site easier to use removes steps between you and the checkout page.

Why You Might Want to Think Twice

With all of this considered, you can begin to understand what is at stake. Contemplating which option to choose is a little more complex than simply clicking a button. There are definitely some things to consider that might lead you to the conclusion that having your data collected might not be the best option for you:

  • Privacy Concerns: Your data could be used for targeted advertising, and in some cases, it might even be sold to third parties without your knowledge.
  • Data Breaches: Companies aren’t immune to data breaches. If they experience a breach, your personal information could be exposed, potentially leading to identity theft or other forms of cybercrime.
  • Lack of Control: Once you’ve given your consent, you often have limited control over how your data is used.
  • Overwhelming Targeted Advertising: You may find that the inundation of targeted ads based on your online behavior is annoying and invasive. Clicking “Accept” may result in more of these ads filling your online experience.
  • Data Monetization: Some companies make significant profits by monetizing user data. When you consent to data collection, you essentially become a contributor to their revenue stream without any direct benefit to yourself.
  • Opaque Data Usage: Despite the presence of privacy policies, companies may use vague language or legalese that makes it challenging to understand how your data will be used.

Taking Control of Your Data

With all of that information, it’s easy to conclude that you might want more sovereignty regarding your personal information. What does taking control of your data and making informed decisions about consent banners look like? Here are some tips:

  • Read the Fine Print: If you’re concerned about what data a website collects, read its privacy policies and terms of service. Look for information on what data is collected, how it’s used, and who it’s shared with.
  • Customize Consent Settings: Most consent banners allow you to customize your cookie settings. Consider disabling “non-essential” data categories and opting for minimal data collection as a general practice.
  • Use Privacy Tools: Browser extensions and privacy-focused search engines can help protect your data while you browse the web. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are a great way to mask your IP address.
  • Opt for Anonymous Browsing: Use incognito or private browsing modes to limit the data websites can collect about you.
  • Consider Alternatives: Explore alternatives to services that require excessive data collection. There are often more privacy-focused options available.
  • Regularly Review Permissions: Periodically review and update the permissions you’ve granted to websites and apps. Revoke access to unnecessary data when you no longer use a service.
  • Support Privacy-Focused Companies: Choose to engage with companies that prioritize data protection and transparency.

As annoying as they may be, consent banners do exist for a reason. Knowing what information you are allowing companies to collect about you and how it is used is a great first step towards being a responsible consumer and user of the internet. While there are surely some perks to participating in companies’ data gathering practices, they come at a price, and it is important to weigh the benefits against very real concerns regarding your rights and privacy. By taking control of your data and making conscious choices, you can strike a balance between enjoying the convenience that the online world offers and protecting your personal information from misuse. Your data, after all, is yours to safeguard.

Do you have questions about consent banners?

Our team of experts is here to help whenever you need us.
Originally Published On October 12, 2023
October 12, 2023