Tag Governance
Made Easy

The aim of successful tag governance is to ensure complete, compliant, and efficient data collection across all of your digital properties. Accomplish this goal with a single, convenient platform: Tag Inspector.

Rick Bell Senior Data Governance Consultant
Amin ShawkiSVP, Delivery
Stacey ShiringVP, Client Success
Adam WarnimentData Integration Engineering Team Leader

Over 5,000 Companies Globally
Rely On Tag Inspector

What is Tag Inspector?

Tag Governance Made Easy.

What Does Tag Inspector Provide?

Kent OldhamChief Operating Officer
Complete Data

Full Visibility of Tag Architecture

With more than 2,500 unique platforms in our tag library, gain unparalleled visibility into all tags loading and the data each is collecting. Tags loading from the source, through a tag management system, piggybacking from another third party, even tags loading from server-side Google Tag Manager are all identified and displayed.

James Bryan Gonzales Manager, Tag Governance
Compliant Data

Monitor Privacy Requirements Across All Digital Properties

Audit, define, and monitor your tag governance policy for all of your global websites. Tag Inspector provides one place to view all tags loading on all websites across all conditions of user consent. Users can quickly identify and remediate compliance risks with our Privacy & Compliance Module.

Michael StadtmillerEngineering Manager, Product Team
PII Peace of Mind

Automatically Detect Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

Automatically flag any identified instances of PII being collected via tags loading across your web properties. This includes emails, credit card numbers, addresses, and phone numbers passed in a network request from any web page being monitored.

More Ways To Use Tag Inspector

Industry-Leading Tag Library

Data collection is just as important on mobile applications as it is on websites. With native application support, gain the visibility necessary to audit and monitor complete and accurate data collection for your entire digital environment. Browse Tag Library
Industry-Leading Tag Library

Monitor Tags Loading from Server-side Google Tag Manager

Tags loading from a server-side tag management system present a unique challenge to verify allowed data collection. With server-side monitoring in Tag Inspector, gain full visibility into these opaque data flows.
Monitor Tags Loading from Server-side Google Tag Manager

Try Tag Inspector for your site.